MathROOT Example Notebook


This Notebook will show you how to use MathROOT, but you won't be able to evaluate it becuase it depends on my ROOT data files installed on my personal computer which you won't have. However, there are enough examples that you should be able to modify the Notebook to work with your own ROOT data files.


Needs["Langston`Histogram`"] ;

This is MathHist version, released 2002.12.14

by Matthew D. Langston <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>

Visit the MathROOT web site at

mathroot = Install["mathroot.exe"] ;

This is MathROOT version, released 2002.12.14

by Matthew D. Langston <langston@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>

Visit the MathROOT web site at

mathroot = Install[LinkConnect["hm3"]]

myImageSize = 7 ;

commonOptions = Sequence[Axes -> False, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> myImageSize 72] ;

scatterPlotPoints = 50000 ;


baseDirectory = {$HomeDirectory, "Physics", "analysis", "WABRecon"} ;

SetDirectory[ToFileName[baseDirectory]] ;

•Raw Data

rootFiles = FileNames["*.root", "", Infinity] ;

dataFile = Select[rootFiles, StringMatchQ[#, "*1997*"] &]


dataFile = ToFileName[baseDirectory, First[dataFile]]

C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data\\1997_cwn2cwn.root


{AbsolutePath -> C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data\\1997_cwn2cwn.root, TreeRelativePaths -> {h10;3, h10;2}}

TreeRelativePaths /. GetFileMetaData[dataFile]

{h10;3, h10;2}

GetTreeMetaData[dataFile, #] & /@ (TreeRelativePaths /. GetFileMetaData[dataFile])

{{Name -> h10, Title -> Raw WAB Events in CWN format, AbsolutePath -> C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data\\1997_cwn2cwn.root\\h10;3, RelativePath -> h10;3, Rows -> 176242, Columns -> 8, ColumnNames -> {run, event, epol, etot, n_clus, E, cthtot, phitot}, ColumnTypes -> {Int_t, Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Float_t[n_clus][5], Float_t[n_clus], Float_t[n_clus]}}, {Name -> h10, Title -> Raw WAB Events in CWN format, AbsolutePath -> C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data\\1997_cwn2cwn.root\\h10;2, RelativePath -> h10;2, Rows -> 156633, Columns -> 8, ColumnNames -> {run, event, epol, etot, n_clus, E, cthtot, phitot}, ColumnTypes -> {Int_t, Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Float_t[n_clus][5], Float_t[n_clus], Float_t[n_clus]}}}

treeName = "h10" ;

GetTreeMetaData[dataFile, treeName]

{Name -> h10, Title -> Raw WAB Events in CWN format, AbsolutePath -> C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data\\1997_cwn2cwn.root\\h10;3, RelativePath -> h10;3, Rows -> 176242, Columns -> 8, ColumnNames -> {run, event, epol, etot, n_clus, E, cthtot, phitot}, ColumnTypes -> {Int_t, Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Float_t[n_clus][5], Float_t[n_clus], Float_t[n_clus]}}

GetColumnNames[dataFile, treeName]

{run, event, epol, etot, n_clus, E, cthtot, phitot}

GetColumnTypes[dataFile, treeName]

{Int_t, Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Float_t[n_clus][5], Float_t[n_clus], Float_t[n_clus]}

•Reconstructed Data

dataFile = ToFileName[Join[baseDirectory, {"data_cwn2cwn", "100 MeV Cluster Quality Cut"}], "wab_recon.root"]

C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data_cwn2cwn\\100 MeV Cluster Quality Cut\\wab_recon.root


{AbsolutePath -> C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data_cwn2cwn\\100 MeV Cluster Quality Cut\\wab_recon.root, TreeRelativePaths -> {1993_wab_recon;1, 1994_wab_recon;1, 1995_wab_recon;1, 1996_wab_recon;1, 1997_wab_recon;1, 1998_wab_recon;1}}

treeName = "1997_wab_recon" ;

GetTreeMetaData[dataFile, treeName]

{Name -> 1997_wab_recon, Title -> 1997 Reconstructed WAB Events, AbsolutePath -> C:\\Documents and Settings\\Matthew D. Langston\\My Documents\\Physics\\analysis\\WABRecon\\data_cwn2cwn\\100 MeV Cluster Quality Cut\\wab_recon.root\\1997_wab_recon;1, RelativePath -> 1997_wab_recon;1, Rows -> 175564, Columns -> 30, ColumnNames -> {run, event, epol, etot, etot_imb, thrust, thrust2, thrust3, imb, rapidity, cthcms, beta, e_isr_photon_imb, e_isr_photon, s_prime, s_prime_imb, x, n_clus_tot, n_clus_mag, n_clus_em, n_clus, E, cthtot, phitot, clus_index, cuts, clus_test, mcid, gamma_sep, gamma_sep_cth}, ColumnTypes -> {Int_t, Int_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Float_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Int_t, Float_t[n_clus][5], Float_t[n_clus], Float_t[n_clus], Int_t[n_clus], UInt_t, UInt_t, Int_t[n_clus], Float_t, Float_t}}

•Cut Development

cutBits = GetColumnData["cuts", "", 10, 1, dataFile, treeName]

{542383, 540335, 645608, 527023, 645807, 524271, 645295, 541359, 583343, 580088}

IntegerDigits[#, 2, 20] & /@ cutBits // TableForm

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Off[General :: "spell1"] ;

cutMask[cuts_List] := Module[{cutNames, hexPatterns, cutMasks},  cutNames = {"etot", "etotImb", "imb", "nClusTotLow", "nClusTotHigh", "nClusMagLow", "nClusMagHigh", "nClusEmLow", "nClusEmHigh", "rapidity", "clus1EM", "clus1HAD1", "clus1HAD2", "clus2EM", "clus2HAD1", "clus2HAD2", "eAngle", "pass", "passImb", "fail"} ;  hexPatterns = {1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 10000, 20000, 40000, 80000} ;  cutMasks = Flatten[Extract[hexPatterns, Position[cutNames, #, {1}] & /@ cuts]] ;  cutMasks = ToExpression["16^^" <> ToString[#]] & /@ cutMasks ;  BitOr[Sequence @@ cutMasks]] ;

On[General :: "spell1"] ;

cuts = {"clus1EM", "clus1HAD1", "clus1HAD2", "clus2EM", "clus2HAD1", "clus2HAD2"} ;

cuts = {"etot", "imb"} ;

cuts = {"etotImb", "imb"} ;



IntegerDigits[cutMask[cuts], 2, 20]

{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0}

cutExpr[cuts_List] := "(cuts&" <> ToString[cutMask[cuts]] <> ")==" <> ToString[cutMask[cuts]] ;

cutExpr[{""}] := "" ;



IntegerDigits[#, 2, 20] & /@ GetColumnData["cuts", cutExpr[cuts], 10, 1, dataFile, treeName] // TableForm

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1


GetColumnData["E", "", 10, 1, dataFile, treeName]

{{{4.939472675323486`, 6.731055736541748`, 3.0936279296875`, 0.7133087515830994`, 15.477465629577637`}, {2.6560821533203125`, 2.4121527671813965`, 0.822866678237915`, 0.977504551410675`, 6.868606090545654`}, {3.3508481979370117`, 1.5621953010559082`, 0.`, 0.`, 4.91304349899292`}}, {{9.084005355834961`, 13.21963119506836`, 0.10470519214868546`, 0.`, 22.408342361450195`}, {6.318926811218262`, 9.498512268066406`, 4.95521879196167`, 0.6522316336631775`, 21.424890518188477`}, {0.6722905039787292`, 0.2088964432477951`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.8811869621276855`}}, {{0.03941590338945389`, 0.06341053545475006`, 2.166457414627075`, 0.`, 2.2692837715148926`}, {0.03229059278964996`, 0.15580320358276367`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.18809379637241364`}, {0.0741484984755516`, 0.0949367955327034`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.169085294008255`}}, {{4.738259792327881`, 2.7880916595458984`, 2.5287609100341797`, 1.1745487451553345`, 11.229660987854004`}, {3.7309722900390625`, 2.1414082050323486`, 3.5518300533294678`, 0.7566192150115967`, 10.180830001831055`}, {0.9099555611610413`, 0.47797855734825134`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.3879340887069702`}}, {{4.930678367614746`, 0.9889340996742249`, 0.`, 0.`, 5.919612407684326`}, {2.484910011291504`, 0.863442063331604`, 0.`, 0.`, 3.3483521938323975`}, {2.6872787475585938`, 0.15140888094902039`, 0.`, 0.`, 2.8386876583099365`}}, {{16.04975128173828`, 10.11223030090332`, 0.`, 0.`, 26.1619815826416`}, {15.598451614379883`, 6.247125148773193`, 0.`, 0.`, 21.845577239990234`}, {0.18650849163532257`, 0.1008681058883667`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.28737661242485046`}}, {{3.646071434020996`, 5.010239601135254`, 1.2589768171310425`, 0.051975052803754807`, 9.967263221740723`}, {0.07778260111808777`, 3.3536179065704346`, 0.4981934428215027`, 0.`, 3.929594039916992`}, {1.0513628721237183`, 0.7102078795433044`, 0.21100319921970367`, 0.41823771595954895`, 2.3908116817474365`}}, {{0.24749501049518585`, 2.6332476139068604`, 3.2207119464874268`, 4.430299758911133`, 10.531754493713379`}, {2.400040864944458`, 2.6785645484924316`, 2.021249771118164`, 0.9512355923652649`, 8.051091194152832`}, {0.06621386855840683`, 0.12797848880290985`, 0.2028663009405136`, 1.5820884704589844`, 1.97914719581604`}}, {{3.1230297088623047`, 9.734668731689453`, 4.202474117279053`, 3.0969433784484863`, 20.157115936279297`}, {5.161961555480957`, 5.007111072540283`, 1.0850282907485962`, 0.23952098190784454`, 11.493622779846191`}, {2.0240190029144287`, 1.7025240659713745`, 0.08486746996641159`, 0.22577860951423645`, 4.037189483642578`}}, {{1.2803781032562256`, 0.3412148654460907`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.6215929985046387`}, {0.42072734236717224`, 0.5866355299949646`, 0.`, 0.`, 1.0073628425598145`}, {0.18654420971870422`, 0.0032257901038974524`, 0.`, 0.`, 0.18976999819278717`}}}

•Energy and Imbalance

cuts = {""} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["imb:etot", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



Take[rootData, 10]

{{0.04443121328949928`, 43.58163070678711`}, {0.07033474743366241`, 50.85923767089844`}, {0.9925849437713623`, 3.130894899368286`}, {0.09371522068977356`, 33.988155364990234`}, {0.3970527648925781`, 25.255107879638672`}, {0.08816857635974884`, 49.15450668334961`}, {0.4075039029121399`, 28.143949508666992`}, {0.22438418865203857`, 26.47696876525879`}, {0.06541814655065536`, 43.069664001464844`}, {0.6391667723655701`, 3.0589261054992676`}}

Swap the etot and imb columns.

plotData = rootData ;

If[Length[plotData] > scatterPlotPoints, plotData = Take[plotData, scatterPlotPoints]] ;

ListPlot[plotData, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 100}}, PlotLabel -> "Total Energy vs. Imbalance, no cuts", FrameLabel -> {"Imbalance", "Total Energy (GeV)"}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.001]}, commonOptions] ;


cuts = {"nClusMagLow", "nClusMagHigh"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["imb:etot", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

If[Length[plotData] > scatterPlotPoints, plotData = Take[plotData, scatterPlotPoints]] ;

ListPlot[plotData, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 100}}, PlotLabel -> "Total Energy vs. Imbalance, 2 <= n_clus <= 11", FrameLabel -> {"Imbalance", "Total Energy (GeV)"}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.001]}, commonOptions] ;


•Number of Clusters per Event

cuts = {""} ;

cname = "n_clus_tot" ;

rootData = GetColumnData[cname, cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {101, 0, 100}, PlotLabel -> "n_clus Distribution, (" <> cname <> ")", FrameLabel -> {"number of clusters", "Counts"}] ;


cname = "n_clus_mag" ;

rootData = GetColumnData[cname, cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {61, 0, 60}, PlotLabel -> "n_clus Distribution, (" <> cname <> ")", FrameLabel -> {"number of clusters", "Counts"}] ;


cname = "n_clus_em" ;

rootData = GetColumnData[cname, cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {61, 0, 60}, PlotLabel -> "n_clus Distribution, (" <> cname <> ")", FrameLabel -> {"number of clusters", "Counts"}] ;


rootData = GetColumnData["n_clus_mag:n_clus_em", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = Column[rootData, 1] - Column[rootData, 2] ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {61, 0, 60}, PlotLabel -> "n_clus_mag-n_clus_em", FrameLabel -> {"number of clusters", "Counts"}] ;


•Cluster Energy Plots

makeClusCut[clusIndex_, cutIndex_] := Module[{clusCuts, cutList},  clusCuts = {"E[n][0]+E[n][1]>10", "E[n][2]<3", "E[n][3]<0.6"} ;  cutList = {StringReplace[clusCuts, {"n" -> "0"}]} ;  AppendTo[cutList, StringReplace[clusCuts, {"n" -> "1"}]] ;  cutList = Complement[Flatten[cutList], {Extract[cutList, {clusIndex, cutIndex}]}] ;  StringJoin[StringJoin[#, "&&"] & /@ Drop[cutList, -1], Last[cutList]]]

•Energy in EM1 + EM2 for cluster 1

Off[General :: "spell1"] ;

clusCut = makeClusCut[1, 1]


On[General :: "spell1"] ;

clus = GetColumnData["E[0][]", clusCut , -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



Take[clus, 10] // TableForm

16.04975128173828` 10.11223030090332` 0.` 0.` 26.1619815826416`
10.579289436340332` 8.640105247497559` 0.2834550738334656` 0.16381382942199707` 19.666664123535156`
10.349469184875488` 16.95244598388672` 0.206232950091362` 0.` 27.508148193359375`
10.459217071533203` 15.173312187194824` 0.1465078592300415` 0.` 25.779037475585938`
11.994686126708984` 10.176566123962402` 0.2627420723438263` 0.2429988980293274` 22.67699432373047`
10.939254760742188` 16.58409309387207` 0.25368329882621765` 0.` 27.77703094482422`
13.439058303833008` 5.594483375549316` 0.` 0.` 19.03354263305664`
1.5562491416931152` 28.790822982788086` 1.8693290948867798` 0.` 32.216400146484375`
10.143742561340332` 21.25777244567871` 0.14396964013576508` 0.` 31.545486450195312`
8.284002304077148` 9.130632400512695` 1.2216001749038696` 0.25322532653808594` 18.88945960998535`

plotData = clus[[All, 1]] + clus[[All, 2]] ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {100, 0, 50}, PlotLabel -> "EM Energy for cluster 1", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


•Energy in EM1 + EM2 for cluster 2

clusCut = makeClusCut[2, 1]


clus = GetColumnData["E[1][]", clusCut , -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = clus[[All, 1]] + clus[[All, 2]] ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {100, 0, 50}, PlotLabel -> "EM Energy for cluster 2", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


•Energy in HAD1 for cluster 1

clusCut = makeClusCut[1, 2]


clus = GetColumnData["E[0][2]", clusCut , -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = clus ;

HistogramLogPlot[plotData, {100, 0, 5}, PlotLabel -> "HAD1 Energy for cluster 1", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


•Energy in HAD1 for cluster 2

clusCut = makeClusCut[2, 2]


clus = GetColumnData["E[1][2]", clusCut , -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = clus ;

HistogramLogPlot[plotData, {100, 0, 5}, PlotLabel -> "HAD1 Energy for cluster 2", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


•Energy in HAD2 for cluster 1

clusCut = makeClusCut[1, 3]


clus = GetColumnData["E[0][3]", clusCut , -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = clus ;

HistogramLogPlot[plotData, {100, 0, 0.68}, PlotLabel -> "HAD2 Energy for cluster 1", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


•Energy in HAD2 for cluster 2

clusCut = makeClusCut[2, 3]


clus = GetColumnData["E[1][3]", clusCut , -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = clus ;

HistogramLogPlot[plotData, {100, 0, 0.68}, PlotLabel -> "HAD2 Energy for cluster 2", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;



cuts = {"etotImb", "imb", "nClusEmLow", "nClusEmHigh", "clus1EM", "clus1HAD1", "clus1HAD2", "clus2EM", "clus2HAD1", "clus2HAD2", "eAngle"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["rapidity", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

HistogramLogPlot[plotData, {100, -1, 1}, PlotLabel -> "Rapidity", FrameLabel -> {"Rapidity", "Counts"}] ;


•Cluster 1 Energy + Cluster 2 Energy vs. Thrust

cuts = {"etotImb", "imb", "nClusEmLow", "nClusEmHigh", "clus1EM", "clus1HAD1", "clus1HAD2", "clus2EM", "clus2HAD1", "clus2HAD2", "rapidity"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["thrust2:E[][4]", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



Take[rootData, 10]

{{0.8404231071472168`, {26.1619815826416`, 21.845577239990234`, 0.28737661242485046`}}, {0.9688884019851685`, {19.666664123535156`, 18.161758422851562`, 0.41486483812332153`}}, {0.9537937045097351`, {27.508148193359375`, 26.152626037597656`, 0.3294718861579895`}}, {0.8667163252830505`, {25.779037475585938`, 24.753442764282227`, 2.304373264312744`}}, {-0.9333095550537109`, {22.67699432373047`, 19.504348754882812`, 6.681295871734619`}}, {0.9597195386886597`, {27.77703094482422`, 17.49248504638672`, 0.48797523975372314`}}, {-0.04555215686559677`, {32.216400146484375`, 30.786670684814453`, 0.7356054782867432`}}, {-0.2079419195652008`, {31.545486450195312`, 29.16990852355957`}}, {0.8765984177589417`, {26.10801124572754`, 25.339513778686523`}}, {0.9439064860343933`, {25.619077682495117`, 25.616796493530273`, 1.2882150411605835`}}}

plotData = rootData /. {thrust_, {e1_, e2_, ___}} -> {Abs[thrust], e1 + e2} ;

If[Length[plotData] > scatterPlotPoints, plotData = Take[plotData, scatterPlotPoints]] ;

ListPlot[plotData, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 80}}, PlotLabel -> "Energy for cluster 1 + cluster 2 vs. Thrust Angle", FrameLabel -> {"Abs[Cos[thrust]]", "Energy (GeV)"}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.001]}, commonOptions] ;


•Total Event Energy vs. Thrust

cuts = {"etotImb", "imb"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["thrust2:etot_imb", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

If[Length[plotData] > scatterPlotPoints, plotData = Take[plotData, scatterPlotPoints]] ;

ListPlot[plotData, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 80}}, PlotLabel -> "Total Event Energy vs. Thrust Angle", FrameLabel -> {"Abs[Cos[thrust]]", "Energy (GeV)"}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.001]}, commonOptions] ;


cuts = {"etotImb", "imb", "nClusEmLow", "nClusEmHigh"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["thrust2:etot_imb", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

If[Length[plotData] > scatterPlotPoints, plotData = Take[plotData, scatterPlotPoints]] ;

ListPlot[plotData, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 80}}, PlotLabel -> "Total Event Energy vs. Thrust Angle", FrameLabel -> {"Abs[Cos[thrust]]", "Energy (GeV)"}, PlotStyle -> {PointSize[0.001]}, commonOptions] ;


•Cos[θ] Distribution

cuts = {"pass"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["thrust2", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = Abs[rootData] ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {19, 0, 0.95}, PlotLabel -> "number of events vs. Thrust Angle", FrameLabel -> {"Abs[Cos[thrust]]", "Counts"}] ;



cuts = {""} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["epol", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {100, -1, 1}, PlotLabel -> "e Polarization", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


cuts = {"pass"} ;

rootData = GetColumnData["epol", cutExpr[cuts], -1, 1, dataFile, treeName] ;



plotData = rootData ;

HistogramPlot[plotData, {100, -1, 1}, PlotLabel -> "e Polarization", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


HistogramPlot[plotData, {100, -.85, -.4}, PlotLabel -> "e Polarization", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


HistogramPlot[plotData, {100, .4, .85}, PlotLabel -> "e Polarization", FrameLabel -> {"Energy (GeV)", "Counts"}] ;


Converted by Mathematica  (January 2, 2003)